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Magazine Articles (1998-2000) from Sustainable Farming and Eco-Farm and Garden

Articles are listed & linked here by topic and article title, in Adobe PDF file format.
Back issues of Sustainable Farming, REAP-Canada's former publication, are available on Ecological Agriculture Project's site.


Biomass and Biofuel

1. BIOENERGY '94 Field Day: Biomass crops seen as an opportunity for future energy markets
2. More than 250 houses have been constructed in France using hemp fibre and lime.
3. Insights of the French hemp program
4. Practical use for noxious weeds and crop residues
5. Biomass: an emerging industry for agriculture
6. Wood chip heating system found economical, non polluting
7. Making paper out of straw
8. Breaking wind with willows (et. al)
9. Briquettes of grass - "green coal" from the Prairie
10. Bio-energy - a growing industry on PEI
11. Straw slicer
12. Turbo-combustion systems
13. Warm season grasses fuel from fields of green.
14. Fast-growing reeds
15. Perennial Warm Season Grasses for Bio-fuels
16. Short rotation forestry: the potential of a low input approach
17. Biomass: looking for a solution to Europe's overproduction problems
18. Ethanol strikes balance of economy, environment and energy
19. Switchgrass: a living solar battery for the Prairies
20. Way found to relieve guilt about global warming
21. The heat is on
22. How much carbon dioxide is lost from organic matter?
23. Wispy willow makes energy winner
24. Winning the war on the home front
25. A new environmental sustainability initiative
26. Ethanol and sustainable development


Book reviews
1. Book review: Restoration Forestry
2. Book review: The Contrary Farmer
3. Book reviews: Chicken Tractor; Modeling Nature: A Permaculture Family Tree
4. Beyond beef: the rise and fall of the cattle culture
5. Successful small scale farming by Karl Kittredge
6. Book review
7. Organic farming by Nicolas Lampkin


Case Studies

Here are a few examples of real people who have worked with us over the years

1. Restaurateur turns to grower
2. "Mary-Jane" the Rodney Dangerfield of the back forty
3. The farm of many faces
4. The farmer club approach in Que?Lbec helps transition to sustainable agriculture
5. The Dugre?L's - trying to be the No.1
6. Sustainable farming profile
7. REAP - Canada in Nova Scotia
8. Farming according to Roll and Shirley
9. The Delapointe Farm
10. Ron and Jack McCoy - resource efficient farmers



1. Sunflowers - a little sunshine in dairy rations
2. Ridge-tillage cuts costs... and teaches practices
3. Smoothing out the rough edges of organic conversion
4. Intercropping canola and peas
5. Perennials conserve organic matter
6. Organic cereals
7. 1990 REAP conference on sustainable vegetable production
8. Don't take arable legumes for granted
9. Winter wheat: no-till, no input
10. Fungicide seed treatment affects nodulation
11. Ill winds for crops
12. The effect of cultural practices on fusarium
13. Shelterbelt agriculture uses trees to protect soil and water resources
14. Hairy vetch extending new roots in the 90's
15. Ridge tillage: sustainable strategy brings economic success
16. Soil fungus eats grasshoppers alive
17. Hairy vetch helps solve nitrogen problems with conservation tillage
18. Mushrooming into the future
19. 1988 REAP: guide to economical weed control
20. Making continuous corn a poor alternative
21. Conservation tillage: problems and solutions
22. Interseedings in vegetable production
23. On-farm research reveals links between nitrogen, intercropping, weeds and pests
24. Intensive management: oats and barley
25. Intercropping to reduce European Corn Borer Damage
26. Intercropping corn and soybeans
27. Intensifying cereal management, a profitable venture
28. Birds and bats: the orchard pest patrol
29. Towards a more energy efficient cash crop farm
30. Herbicide costs slashed, spray drift reduced with soybean oil
31. Corn's perennial relatives - Eastern Gamagrass: a potential alternative to corn silage
32. American intensive solar gardening
33. Rotation with roots
34. Beetle trap
35. Splitting manure application best yield and environmental choice
36. Cost effective half-rate for pesticides
37. Expert system weeds out undesirables
38. Every shade of blue for B.C. blueberries
39. Electronic field blight monitor
40. Developing drought resistance in crop plants
41. Telling the story of alternate weed control
42. Bomber bees eradicate mould in strawberries
43. Growing apples without pesticides - fact or fiction
44. Organic and conventional beyond transition
45. Management weeds out high labor costs



1. Forage-fed ruminants on top for energy efficiency
2. A teaching schedule for dairy farmers
3. Guelph's alternative housing system for hens
4. Pigs in space: more room to move
5. Pigs on pasture: taking the 'green' approach to hog farming
6. The beef industry: Charting a successful course
7. Ecological dairying sustains 20,000 lbs herd average
8. Profitable pasture management
9. More to rotational grazing than setting up paddocks
10. Grassland/clover relationship
11. Forages are the biological infrastructure of agriculture
12. A farrowing crate that's great
13. Don't fence them in
14. Stockpiling shows potential for extending grazing season in eastern Canada
15. Walking boots handy for pasture conversion
16. Fruit honey
17. Resource efficiency for field crops
18. In praise of hairy vetch
19. In pursuit of cropping excellence
20. Seed banks in jeopardy
21. Hybrids differ in response to colder soil temperature
22. Exploring northern species: fruit you can get your teeth into
23. Keep things simple with pasture
24. Milk production linked to water quality
25. Uncommon design shapes up as housing solution
26. Mobile paddock provides pasture alternatives
27. World's first calves of predetermined sex
28. Land and livestock
29. Organic milk production earns profit edge



1. GATT not green enough
2. Editorial: ?gmarketing is everything a grower does to move a product to market.?h
3. The debate over pesticides
4. The pesticide debate: 30 years after the silent spring
5. Isolated - but not alone 6. Editorial: New markets need new strategies
7. Farmers should come first in Green Plan
8. Quebec on track with new weeder
9. Une de?Lsherbeuse uniquement que?Lbe?Lcoise
10. An ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure
11. Editorial - Wanted: a biomass energy policy for Canada
12. Time to change the jingle
13. Farmers facing up to environmental responsibilities
15. Earth Summit needs more than just flag waving
16. Reap - Canada annual meeting
17. Searching for agriculture's place in changing society
18. New direction needed for rural routes
19. Ozone debate far from resolution
20. Sustainability is apparently the "in" thing
21. Air-assisted sprayer
22. Editorial: ...ethanol has a place in the Canadian energy market
23. MAPAQ aims for pesticide reduction
24. New livestock accommodation law
25. What price sustainability?
26. Biggest barrier broken with critical self-assessment
27. Can GATT really go green?
28. Hands-on approach to ecological farming
29. Summary of agricultural provisions of GATT
30. Editorial: industry & research
31. Putting the culture back into agriculture
32. Editorial: Down ...but not out
33. Editorial: Community shared agriculture
34. Agriculture ethics dilemma challenged
35. Adding sustainable value by selling direct
36. Breaking the technology treadmill through long-term research
37. GRIP - Get rid of inefficient practices
38. Certainly change ... but uncertain as to what change
39. Editorial: A vision for the Prairies . . . and beyond
40. Rural groundwater agreement signed
41. Organic food markets: here to stay
42. A glimpse of the organic scene in Europe
43. Sustainable agriculture part of overall vision
44. Major US study backs alternative farming
45. Sustainable agriculture act introduced in U.S.
46. Who and what is sustainability?
47. Global developments in organic agriculture
48. New organics centres in U.K.
49. Breaking barriers at University of Guelph
50. Existing ag. policies affecting sustainability
51. Setting the stage for the sustainable agriculture campaign
52. Atlantic Farmers Council provides recommendations for achieving environmental sustainability in Atlantic Canada
53. CFA sets position on sustainable agriculture
54. Land stewardship chair appointed
55. Sustainable agriculture policy in the works for Guelph
56. Science Council launches study on sustainable agriculture
57. American Congressional Committees vote $40 million for sustainable agriculture research
58. Senate agriculture committee moves organic legislation forward
59. Quebec manure storage regulations to eliminate fall spreading
60. Rules forcing farmers to degrade environment
61. Time to lose our complacency
62. Swedes set goals on environmental issues
63. Certification victory
64. New book bulletin now available
65. New food certification agency in Quebec
66. The 2nd annual Harris Poll Organic Index
67. U.S. puts new restrictions on atrazine
68. Senate votes for organic standards
69. Summary of the Federal-Provincial Committee on Environmental Sustainability
70. Editor's corner: ...Minimal tillage practices
71. Government should maintain plant breeding role
72. Editor's column: ...REAP, as most of you know, is involved in on-farm research
73. Alternative agriculture very very scary?
74. Editor's corner: ...Welcome to 1990
75. Farm Info Network
76. From the president's desk: By Roger Samson
77. From the president's desk



1. Technology development and transfer
2. Trial and error: Ron McRae's farm
3. Grassroots approach solves milkhouse pollution
4. Farmers set up their own research facility
5. Farmers involvement called key to zero-tillage research
6. REAP - Canada 1991 Research Projects
7. Farmers should lead the way on sustainability
8. Lots to see at 1990 REAP Field Days
9. Farmer to Farmer Technology Transfer Support
10. 1990 Research project
11. REAP On-farm research and demonstration field day
12. REAP - Canada field day in Tavistock attracts 250!
13. On-farm research in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
14. REAP - Canada field day 1988 trials



1. Vegetable waste next recycling target
2. Soil fertility in ecological agriculture
3. Milkhouse waste water management
4. Managing liquid manure through microaeration
5. A good soil is like a good wine
6. Nutrient bonus by keeping the juices
7. Phosphorous nutrition of crops: a sustainable approach
8. Gathering of compost experts
9. Ecological manure: a sound investment in fertility management
10. High fertilizer and protein costs left behind
11. Taking the P out of your washwater
12. Potassium problem... What problem?
13. Conservation tillage and manure management
14. Rock phosphate and bone meal
15. The perishability and profitability of manure
16. The chow down at plow down
17. Permaculture gains foothold in the Maritimes
18. Recyclable innovation helps add to composting bottom line
19. Comparing composting costs
20. Manure composting: a solution to dealing with stricter environment regulations
21. On-farm research into liquid manure in minimum tillage systems
22. Stay out of the coffee shop and 29 other tips to remember if implementing a minimum tillage system this spring
23. Farming without residue
24. Ridge-till reality
25. A quiz for earthworm experts
26. No-till success hinges on developing a complete crop production "system"
27. The invisible hand: managing microbes to promote soil fertility
28. Advances in nitrogen fixation
29. Nitrate argument
30. Slurry injections into growing crops
31. Measuring the spreading efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers
32. Urban waste management
33. Cover crop convert heads up REAP
34. Earthworms: under-valued, under- rated and unloved
35. Balancing the basic properties of soil
36. Reducing costs, improving nutrient values.
37. When one plus one plus one equals zero
38. Inventory of Quebec soil degradation problems published
39. Looking at fertility from the ground up
40. Swedes reducing pesticide use through technology, training
41. A change in chemistry ... or in philosophy
42. Don't judge biodynamics by this book
43. Organic and conventional beyond transition
44. Sustainable farming network

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